Ketchikan Junior Shotgun League
The Ketchikan Junior Shotgun League meets every Sunday for team 5-Stand shooting practice. Currently there is a Fall and a Spring league session both of which run 8–12 weeks. Teams are comprised of five youth between 9–16 years of age. A Basic Hunter Education card is required within the first session of league participation. Membership dues are $25 and each youth shoots 50 rounds per week. The cost for 50 clay birds and shells is $20 each week. There are some league shotguns (20 and 12 gauges) available and we hope to purchase additional shotguns to have a variety available to participants. League shooters may also use their own shotguns, if approved by a certified coach. There is also a standby list for youth not officially on a team but interested in shooting. The standby list will be used to fill any future vacancies on a team. Teams shoot on Sundays, starting at 8:30am and the last team finishes at 3:30pm. Currently we have over 25 youth shooting shotguns at the Ketchikan Rod and Gun Club.
For more information contact Ketchikan ADF&G at 225-2475.